
Thursday 14 April 2016

Recount Elephant toothpaste

On Wednesday the 6th of April at 2 o'clock My class LS1 and Room 5  went to a really exciting experiment at the field in front of the Office.And that really exciting experiment was learning how to make Elephant toothpaste.

As we were walking to the field the sun was burning hot it was like I was in a burning on a hot stove.As we got there we all sat down and waited till the Experiment started when it started they first used First we Add 100 millilitres of Hydrogen Peroxide Then pour a lot of detergent And then we counted up to 5 the Troy add a teaspoon of Potassium
                                    And up
iodide then the it went       Then BOOM!!! It exploded everywhere.After this We tried the exact same thing but in a bottle The difference was that the bottle streaked because of the heat niss and it exploded more.Than some students got to touch the experiment then there hands went yellow.
Then We went back to our classes.

I felt Very proud that I got to watch how to make Elephant toothpaste for the first time.

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