
Wednesday 23 March 2016

Narrative writing

Once upon a time there was a young teenager called Crystal.Crystal was a very lovable girl she loved spending time with her family.But she hated being alone and she hated paranormal activity.In her family there is a mother called Cal,a brother Creed and a father clad. They lived in Africa. But then they decided to live in England because England was a very nice beautiful place.                                                               

They moved to a house that they thought was brand new.But really the house was built in 1728.The house was haunted by a 87 year old lady who was called Rose who died from a heart attack.Everyone knew that the house owas haunted but Christle and her family did not know that.The first night they slept over was really creepy doors started to close by it self and object moving by itself noises coming from nowhere.nowhere. Christle and her family was really creeped out.But one night Cristales brother creed and mother cal and father clad went to work and her brother had to study at the library.So Christle was all by her self but her mother,father and her brother was driving home but there was a huge storm and they coude’nt make it.But they could make it to cals friends home they contacted Christle told her what happens. At.At frist Christle felt terrifad staying all by  salf when she tucked her salf in to bed she heard some weard noiz.So she tiptod to the living room there was nothing she saw a shdow she went closer and closer.But then the shadow was about to touch her then Christle started to ran as she was running for her life she cride HELP HELP!!!! SOMEONE HELP!!!!! As soon                                                                         as the nibor heard her they called the police when the police arrived the shadow diapered.But then they were too late they found Christle laying on the floor died she died from heart attack and fear.When Christle family found out they got heart broken.Christle family has moved back to Africa.

they were so scared that they have never ever been back to england in there life.

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